LIMAB at Wood & Technology in Göteborg

LIMAB at Wood & Technology in Göteborg

LIMAB participated at the Wood & Technology fair in LIMABs hometown Göteborg last week, September 2-5.

LIMAB would like to thank all visitors for many interesting discussions in our stand. The LogProfiler was exhibited for the first time at Wood and Technology and the response from the customers was very positive. On Thursday LIMAB sold a LogProfiler to Gran Tre in Norway, this will be the first LogProfiler installation in Norway. There was also a lot of interest in the rest of LIMABs products, many customers found the new BoardProfiler 3D interesting. It is possible to combine the PreciCura sensors with the new ProfiCura 2D which will be a great benefit to all customers. We thank everyone for this time and hope to see you next time in 2016.