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Policys and quality management

Quality and environmental management is a key to LIMAB’s operation and we are certified according to ISO9001 and ISO14001. 

Quality Policy LIMAB AB

LIMAB will stand out as a company having excellent quality in production and service of our measurement sensors and systems. This is also valid for how we treat you as a customer. Every delivery must be a recommendation for continued future deliveries.
The Quality Management system of LIMAB must be applied and supported by all employees. Each employee is responsible for the quality within his area of responsibility. By continuous improvements of our Quality Management system, we are systematically working to meet the requirements of our customers.

Certificat ISO9001

Environmental Policy LIMAB AB

During product development, production and marketing of our measurement sensors and systems, we are striving to protect the environment through the entire life cycle of the product.

  • Our products must be characterized by a high recycling rate and a low energy consumption.
  • Our products will help our customers to increase their production efficiency and to lower their scrap rate
  • We will support our customer’s choice of measurement solutions by informing them on the optimum way to use of our systems as well as how our products can be recycled at end-of-lifetime.

In our work with continuous improvements, we are working with:

  • Optimization of the use of transports for our employees and products in order to reduce the emission of carbon oxides
  • Lowering the energy consumption in our activity as far as possible
  • Follow the development in environmental solutions so that we will meet external requirements and systematically prevent emissions and contaminations
  • Continuously inform our employees so that they are aware of their personal responsibility and role in environmental issues.

LIMAB AB follows the rules and legislations that can be applied to our activity.

Certificat ISO14001

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